Soulwise Sojourn- The Spirit of the Woman Warrior

By Soulwise Sojourns (other events)

Monday, January 28 2019 10:00 AM 5:00 PM PDT

Winter is a time for cooperation, communication and discipline. The time in the medicine wheel of the Adult in many traditions in the world. During this time, we call to the warrior spirit to instill strength and perserverance within to provide for ourselves, our families and our communities. Through movement exploration we increase our awareness of our senses. Through creative expression, we find ways to bring our soul’s wisdom into form to share with the world.

Join Polly Triplat for this daylong journey in the Sierra Valley where we will explore Open Floor movement meditation, shamanic journey work and SoulCollage® to open our awareness to our soul’s purpose and empower each other to be fully present to the gifts we offer the world. We will have time to enjoy the healing waters and lands of Sierra Hot Springs.